Effective January 1st, 2025
The following describes the services included in the AwardSpring annual subscription fee. Scholarship Solutions, LLC, doing business as AwardSpring (“AwardSpring”) reserves the right to modify this Standard Service Description at any time.
The AwardSpring software (“Software”) is an application and opportunity management software that is accessed by applicants, administrators, and reviewers via the Internet. The Software is a hosted Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution, where all data, content, software and applications reside on AwardSpring hosted infrastructure. The Software is a website where applicants apply for scholarships, grants, and/or other awards (“Opportunities”) made available by Customer, and where administrators and reviewers view, screen, and score applicants and award funds.
Use of the Software and AwardSpring services is subject to the AwardSpring Standard Terms and Conditions and requires an active Service Order.
At the Customer’s request, AwardSpring will personalize a Customer’s AwardSpring site(s) (each a “Customer Site”) with the Customer’s logo and/or a custom graphic file on the Home Page. AwardSpring can create, at Customer’s request, custom reports to meet Customer’s specifications, generally within 5-7 business days (with expedited requests possible based on availability). Standard reports (and any custom reports created previously) are accessible through the reporting section of the Software.
At the Customer’s request, AwardSpring will schedule training sessions. Training options include regular group webinars conducted on common topics, 1:1 training for new administrators, and Customer-specific 1:1 training. Training during the onboarding process is discussed in detail below in the “Onboarding” section.
AwardSpring reserves the right to schedule maintenance where it is anticipated that the Software or the Customer Site will not be accessible for a brief period of time, usually less than 30 minutes. AwardSpring’s policy is to notify our customers at least 12 hours in advance of these maintenance windows. For unscheduled outages, AwardSpring will notify Customer that the Customer Site may be inaccessible by all users if such outage is expected to last more than 5 minutes and will work to provide as much notice as feasible.
AwardSpring staff monitors the Software and network 24x7x365. AwardSpring anticipates that the Customer Site will be available 99.5% of the time, measured per calendar month, excluding scheduled maintenance periods.
In the event of an outage or technical issue relating to the Software or the Customer Site, AwardSpring will use its best efforts to address such outage or issue as provided below:
Severity | Definition | Response Time | Target Resolution |
Severity 1 | A condition whereby the AwardSpring Software is substantially inoperable, inaccessible, or performing very poorly as to be inoperable and a mutually agreed upon workaround has not been implemented in such a way that the issue has been mitigated. | Less than 60 minutes, Monday-Friday, 8am-7pm (CT) Less than 120 minutes, Monday-Friday, 7pm-8am (CT) and weekends and holidays | 4 hours |
Severity 2 | A condition whereby the Customer Site is not functioning normally, but User’s and Customer use of the Customer Site is not materially impacted. | 5 business days | Defined case-by-case |
Severity 3 | Non-material defects having only limited impact on User or Customer administrator use of the Customer Site, such as cosmetic issues. Also appropriate for product enhancement requests or questions related to use of the Software. These issues may be remedied in future Software upgrades or through additional training. | 10 business days | Defined case-by-case |
Issue Updates: Updates during active issues provided as-needed based on issue severity and customer impact.
Customer will be provided access to a Client Support Team to help them configure its AwardSpring Site and answer any inquiries or technical questions Customer may have. The AwardSpring Client Support Team is available to assist Customers Monday - Friday, from 8:00am - 7:00pm Central Time either by phone (888-258-5628), directly via the Administrative site using the “Support” button, or via email to support@awardspring.com. Support hours may be adjusted with notice to customers based on support volume.
AwardSpring client support is closed for the following US Holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Indigenous Peoples' Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day After Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Eve. Support is closed on any Friday or Monday before or after a holiday that occurs on a weekend. AwardSpring reserves the right to close support for other weekdays not listed above as long as commercially reasonable notification is provided to Customer.
AwardSpring subscription pricing is determined by the number of unique Opportunities offered by the Customer annually. AwardSpring may review the number of Opportunities available through the Customer Site at any time. If the number of Opportunities is more than 25% above the number defined in the signed, active Service Order, AwardSpring may adjust the annual subscription cost for the subsequent annual period based on the current Rate Card. Customer’s subscription pricing is always evaluated at the end of the full term for the current Service Order and may move up or down based on usage. AwardSpring reserves the right to change its Rate Card at any time.
When using AwardSpring for any external communications (either email communications included with the base subscription or SMS communications with the addition of Texting), Customer acknowledges that they will adhere to all local, state and federal guidelines for telephone communications which includes, but is not limited to, the CAN SPAM Act of 2003, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, and the Do-Not-Call Implementation Act.
The following items are fee-based services that are to be performed by AwardSpring if requested or ordered by the Customer.
Student Information System Integration Subscription (“SIS Integration”)
AwardSpring’s SIS Integration is designed to consume regular data feeds from Customer’s systems, and automatically create and update existing applicant data inside the Software. SIS Integration requires export from Customer’s system in a CSV file transferred via SFTP to AwardSpring servers, using either named-user or token-based authentication. Service includes all work required to integrate Customer’s data feed into their AwardSpring application. AwardSpring requires a unique, unchanging student ID to ensure proper functionality of this feature. Exporting data from AwardSpring is also supported on request. SIS Integration requires an additional annual subscription per the Rate Card below.
SMS Subscription (“Texting”)
AwardSpring will provision the ability to send short message service (“SMS”) messages directly to end users. This requires any recipient to have a US or Canadian-based (Country prefix of +1), validated mobile number and that Customer has received their Implied Consent to communicate via text. Implied Consent is generally given when a recipient has a relationship with an organization, and the messages distributed are for informational purposes only (e.g., sending an application deadline reminder). Customer acknowledges there are annual limits to number of text messages sent per AwardSpring’s Terms and Conditions. You may not use AwardSpring Texting for:
Single Sign-On (“SSO”)
The Software can communicate with Customer organization’s directory services, using Active Directory via direct LDAP, SAML, Shibboleth or CAS authentication technologies. Enabling authentication will allow Customer’s active applicants to log in into the Software using the same credentials used to access other organization resources. Customer’s directory service must have the ability to provide required attributes to AwardSpring for user account registration. SSO can be enabled stand-alone and is strongly recommended when the Student Information System Integration service is purchased. Enabling SSO is done at no charge and can be done upon request, typically within 7-10 business days (pending technology resource availability at Customer’s organization).
Special Funds Applications
AwardSpring can provision individual scholarship opportunities that allow for direct application without completing the general application. Enabling Special Funds Applications is done at no charge and can be done upon request, typically within 5-7 business days.
AwardSpring will both fully customize Customer’s initial AwardSpring site by recreating their Opportunities, Qualifications, and Application. Additionally, AwardSpring provides the necessary user training for an unlimited number of administrative users. AwardSpring will develop a customized training schedule with training sessions for Customer’s first award cycle covering topics such as setting up Opportunities, building the Application, setting up review score cards, assigning reviewers, and awarding and notifying applicants.
On-Site Services and/or Professional Services
AwardSpring can also provide professional services for Customer’s administrative users. When a special request is made outside the bounds of AwardSpring’s standard service description, a Statement of Work will be generated and mutually agreed-upon in writing between AwardSpring and Customer. Standard per hour fees for AwardSpring professional services will be reflected as such on the Statement of Work.
Please inquire with sales@awardspring.com for a copy of AwardSpring's current rate card(s).
January 1st, 2025 version: changed published AwardSpring holidays in "Client Support" section and removed rate card (as rate cards are managed separately as part of AwardSpring Sales & Marketing).
October 1, 2022 version: initial publication on-line. All prior Service Descriptions were captured as part of AwardSpring Terms & Conditions.